Police Radio Codes Combined

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This page contains all of the Police radio codes.
To see each page individually, see Police Radio Codes.

Job Type Codes

Police Incident Codes are assigned to every job created in the system. These codes are a single digit followed by a letter. The Incident Codes are grouped into 5 categories The digit indicates the general category, and the letter indicates the specific job type.

1 = Incident
2 = Services
3 = Preventative
4 = Other Duties
5 = Miscellaneous Duties


Code Description
1A Alarm Sounding
1B Bomb Threat
1C Car/Person Acting Suspiciously
1D Domestic Dispute
1E Emergency/Disaster/Spill
1F Assist Fire/Ambulance
1G Solvent Abuse
1H Drunk Home
1I Blockage/Breakdown on Highway
1J Juvenile Complaint
1K Drunk Custody/Detox Centre
1L Land Rescue
1M Mental
1N Noise Control
1P Premises Insecure
1Q Breach Graduated Drivers Licence
1R Breach of the Peace
1S Sudden Death
1T Truancy
1U Traffic Incident
1V Vehicle Collision
1VA Vehicle Collision - Autonomous Alert
1W Water/Sea Rescue/Emergency
1X Attempted Suicide
1Z Other Incident


Code Description
2A Advise Relatives/Owner
2B Recruiting
2C Civil Dispute
2D Official Request for Information
2E Remove fences/structures/vegetation
2F Firearms Licensing
2G Liquor Licensing/Vetting
2H Draw Raffle
2I Information
2K Found Property
2L Lost Property
2M Missing Person
2N Civil Court Process
2O Court Orders
2P Public Relations
2Q Jury List Vetting
2R Recovery of motor vehicle
2S Summons
2T Warrant to Arrest/Fines Enforcement
2U Warrant of Seizure
2V Validation
2W Arrest Warrant (Other)
2Y Stock/Animals
2Z Other Service Request/Response


Code Description
3A Attend Scene of Crime/Incident
3B Beat
3C Crime Prevention Advice
3D Dog Care/Maintenance
3E Employee Vetting
3F Foot Patrol
3G Watchhouse/Counter Duty
3H Hotel Visit
3J Comm Centre Duty
3K Keys Taken
3M Directed Patrol / Mobile Patrol
3O Other Vetting
3R Road Checkpoint / Speed Camera Operation
3S Serve Summons/Execute Arrest Warrant
3T Stop/Search Car/Person
3V Staff Visit/Supervision
3W Watching/Observations
3X Video Job
3Y Other School Talks (Not YES)
3Z Other Preventative Task

Other Duties

Code Description
4A Attend Scene/Meeting/Course/Other
4B Mortuary Procedure
4C Correspondence/Counter
4D Demonstration Duty
4E Escort Duty
4F Fingerprint Examination
4G Travel
4H Photography Job
4I Injury/Sickness
4J Court Security (Prison Escort)
4K Court Attendance (Witness, etc.)
4L Logistics/Staff Transport
4M Meal break
4N Victim Advice
4P Public Entertainment Duty
4Q Enquiry/Investigation
4S Vehicle servicing ie petrol/LPG
4U Lockup
4W Witness/Other Person Protection
4X Execute Search Warrant
4Z Airport Security

Miscellaneous Duties

Code Description
5F Family harm / domestic violence
5H EM bail suitability visit
5K Bail Check
5M Parole recall warrant
6D Bail Breach
6E Electronically monitored bail alarm activation
6I Illegal Street Racing
6S Breach of Police Safety Order
6Y Young person unaccompanied
8P Pandemic Response
8PA Pandemic 72 Hour Check
8PB Pandemic Person Check
8PC Pandemic Business Check
8PD Pandemic Check Via Telephone Only
8PG Mass Gathering
8PL Directed Patrol
8PM Reassurance Essential Facility
8PZ Pandemic Checkpoint

Status Codes

Police use a 10 code system for status messages

Code Meaning
10-0 Off duty
10-1 Broadcast to all units
10-2 En-route to job
10-3 Available
10-4 Repeat your last message
10-5 Out of service for a short time (now obsolete)
10-6 Change channel
10-7 Arrived at job
10-8 Busy but available
10-9 Urgent Message
10-10 Officer requires immediate assistance

Result Codes

Police use K codes to indicate the result of a job

Code Meaning
K1 No further police action required
K3 No offence disclosed (for incident initially reported as offences)
K6 Reported
K9 Arrest made.

The following codes are no longer listed for use by Police but may still be heard on the radio

Code Meaning
K2 Event held until later - replaced by the term "Pre-Empt"
K4 Warning given - now included in K6
K5 Police form 258 or 101 submitted - now included in K6
K7 Job left for expert
K8 Job left for prime unit

Event Closing Codes

Police jobs are resulted with a specific police event code. The codes consist of 4 digits, where each successive digit becomes more specific as to the type of job.

The first digit is the general offense category

1 = Violence
2 = Sexual
3 = Drugs/Anti-Social Behaviour
4 = Dishonesty
5 = Property Damage
6 = Miscellaneous
7 = Administrative

Each remaining digit gives progressively more information about the offence.

For example:

  • 4211 4 = Dishonesty 2=Vehicles 1= unlawful taking 1=Motorvehicle (i.e. "pinching cars")
  • 4322 4 = Dishonesty 3=theft of property 2= From shop 2= value under $500 (i.e.Shoplifting)


Code Description
1110 Murder
1120 Attempted Murder
1130 Manslaguter
1140 Infanticide
1150 Abortion
1160 Aids Suicide
1210 Kidnapping
1220 Abduction
1310 Aggravated robbery (Weapon)
1316 Aggravated robbery (Manual)
1320 Robbery
1330 Assault with intent (Weapon)
1336 Assault with intent (Manual)
1340 Compelling execution of documents
1410 Wounding with intent GBH
1414 Wounding with intent to injure
1420 Injures with intent to GBH
1424 Injures with intent to injure
1430 Aggravated wounding
1440 Disables/Stupifies
1460 Injures if death ensued
1471 Throws acid with intent to injure
1472 Poisons with intent to injure
1474 Infects with disease
1480 Use firearm on Police officer
1483 Commission of crime (firearm)
1490 Assault with a weapon
1510 Serious Assaults
1520 Assault With Intent To Injure
1530 Assault On Child
1540 Male Assaults Female
1550 Assault Police
1560 Assault Person Assist Police
1570 Assaults Person Lawful Ex Process
1580 Common Assault
1610 Assault On Law Enforcement Officers (Summary Offence)
1620 Assault Person Assisting Police (Summary Offence)
1630 Assaults Official
1640 Minor Assaults
1650 Miscellaneous Common Assault
1710 Threatens To Kill
1720 Threatening Act To Person Or Property
1730 Threatening Behaviour
1740 Demand With Intent To Steal or Extort
1748 Blackmail
1754 Possess Offensive Weapon
1758 Unlawful possess knife
1770 Fail To Provide Necessities Of Life
1790 Threatening To Dammage Property
1810 Group Assemblies
1811 Rioting
1820 Unlawful Assembly
1830 Crimes Against Personal Privacy
1840 Harassment
1850 Participation and Association Offences
1853 Participates in criminal group


Code Description
2210 Indecent Performances And Acts
2220 Obscene Exposure
2231 Genital Mutilation
2380 Sexual Intercourse With Child Under Care
2510 Indecent Videos
2610 Abduct young person for sex
2620 Abduct person for sex
2632 Indecently Assaults Female Over 16
2635 Indecent Assault On Male Over 16
2650 Rape
2655 Sexual Conduct with child under 12 years
2655 Sexual violation
2656 Sexual conduct with young person
2660 Attempt rape and assault with intent to rape
2670 Assault Intent To Commit Sexual Violation
2710 Incest
2720 Bestiality
2740 Sexual grooming
2810 Sexual conduct with young person under 16 years
2813 Sexual Intercourse With subnormal female
2830 Indecent Assaults by Female
2840 Indecency FF
2860 Indecency MF
2870 Indecency MM
2910 Immoral Behaviour/Miscellaneous
2950 Child Sex Tours Offences
2951 Sex with child outside NZ
2962 Knowingly makes objectionable publication
2963 Supplied restricted material
2966 Exhibits objectionable material to persons under 18
2970 Offences for Commercial sex services
2973 Prostitution Under 18

Drugs/Anti-Social Behaviour

Code Description
3110 Import, Supply or Produce Class A Drug
3115 Import, Supply or Produce Class B Drug
3140 Possess to Supply Class A Drug
3145 Possess to Supply Class B Drug
3151 Possess Class A
3154 Possess Class B
3158 Possess Instruments A & B
3160 Consume drugs class A & B
3171 Cultivate
3181 Permit premises A & B
3187 Aids offences outside New Zealand
3191 Conspiracy to deal A Class Drugs
3192 Conspiracy to deal B Class Drugs
3193 Conspiracy to deal C Class Drugs
3210 Import, Supply or Produce Class C Drugs
3240 Possess to supply class C Drugs
3150 Possess Class C Drugs
3255 Possess Instruments (cannabis)
3271 Cultivate cannabis
3273 Possess equipment or substance to produce drug
3281 Permit premises cannabis
3410 Bookmaking
3420 Gaming House Offences
3430 Betting Offences
3470 Casino Offences
3510 Obstruct Police
3515 Resist Person Assisting Police
3516 Resist Other Official
3517 Obstruct Public Place
3521 Incite Violence, disorder or lawlessness
3529 Other Incite or encourage Offences
3535 Offensive Behaviour
3537 Disorderly Behaviour Private Premises
3538 Threatening Behaviour likely to Cause Violince
3540 Language offences
3560 Miscellaneous Disorder Offences
3570 Disorderly Assembly
3610 Vagrancy Offences
3620 Preparing To Commit Crimes
3710 Family Offences
3711 Cruelty To Child
3712 Wilful Neglect Child
3713 Abandon child under 6 years
3714 Leavng Child Wthout Reasnble Supervisor
3719 Other Child Abuse Non Assault
3743 Offence Against Matrimonial Prop Act
3746 Failure Attend Court
3750 Family proceedings Act offences
3796 Slave Dealing Under 18
3797 Sex exploitation
3810 Publishing and Document Offences
3820 Child and Young Person Act Offences
3851 Contravenes Protection Order (Firearm)
3852 Contravenes Protection Order (Non Firearm)
3853 Fail To Comply Conditions Of Order (Firearm)
3854 Fail Comply Condition Of Order (Non Firearm)
3856 Breach Of Publication Restrictions
3910 Closure Of Licensed Premises for Rioting or Fightng
3920 Licenced Premises Liquer Offence Selling to minor(s)
3930 Licenced Premises Liquer Offence Intoxicated Person(s)
3940 Offences by minors Sale Of Liquor
3950 Refusal to admit police on Licenced Premises
3960 Sales By Unlicensed Persons
3970 Unlicensed Premises Liquor Offences


Code Description
4120 Burglary
4130 Burglary Associated Offences
4155 Aggravated burglary
4210 Unlawful Taking Motor Vehicle
4220 Unlawfully Interfere Motor Vehicle
4230 Take, convert or interfere Bicycle
4240 Miscellaneous Car Conversion Etc
4300 General Theft
4410 Receiving Stolen Goods
4430 Money Laundering Offences
4435 Laundering proceeds of drug dealing
4440 Financial Transaction Reporting
4511 Forgery
4512 Possesses Forged Banknote
4515 Possesses Implements For Forgery
4517 Imitating Authorised Marks
4520 False accounting
4550 Credit by fraud
4570 Miscellaneous fraud
4575 Altering document with intent
4581 Forges bank card to obtain money
4590 False pretence by credit card or cheques
4631 Access computer for dishonest purpose
4633 Damage computer endangering life
4635 Makes Sells software for crime
4636 Access computer without Authority

Property Damage

Code Description
5110 Arson
5113 Attempt Arson
5120 Wilful damage
5141 Intentional Damage danger To Life
5142 Intentional Damage no Interest
5143 Intentional Damage
5144 Intentional Damage reckless Disregard
5151 Contaminating Food, crops or other
5152 Causing Disease Or Sickness In Animals
5215 Endangering Transport
5224 Impeding rescue
5225 Setting mantraps
5231 Hijack plane
5232 Endangering safety of plane
5235 Endangering safety in Airport
5810 Gambling Act Offences
5950 Procure or possess new drugs


Code Description
6110 Offences Under Trespass Act
6120 Trespass Under Specific Statute
6130 Miscellaneous Trespass Offences
6210 Littering
6311 Aggravated Cruelty
6313 Fails to alleviate pain or suffering of animal
6319 Other Neglect Or Cruelty To Animals
6332 Breach Of Impounding Act
6333 Breach Of Fisheries Act
6334 Breach Of Wildlife Act
6335 Breach Of Wild Animal Control Act
6337 Poaching
6339 Other Miscellaneous Offs Re Animals
6340 Police Dogs Police Amend Act Offences
6391 Cruelty to or ill-treatment Of Animals
6393 Transportation Offences
6399 Animal Welfare Act Miscellaneous Offences
6520 Railway Abuses
6530 Fire Service Abuses
6550 Telecommunications Act Offences
6560 Postal Services Act Offences
6570 Forest And Rural Fire Act 1977 Offences
6810 Licensed Dealer Offences
6820 General Restrictions
6830 General Obligations
6840 Offences Re Licences
6851 Unlawfully Carries or possess Firearm, Restricted Weapon, explosives or ammunition
6852 Unlawfully Carries Imitation Firearm
6853 Intoxicated In Charg Of Firearm
6854 Discharges Firearm In or near place or dwelling
6855 Uses or discharges Other Firearm Type
6856 Unlawfully Possess Pistol or Restricted Weapon
6857 Unlaw Carry/possess F'arm/amm/ex-p/place
6859 General Firearm Offences
6861 Present Firearm or Resreted Weapon At Person
6862 Present Object Like Firearm or Restricted Weapon At Person
6863 Careless use of Firearm Causing Death or bodily Injury
6864 Leaving Firearm Loaded Endangering Life
6865 Reckless Discharge of Firearm or Restricted Weapon
6866 Uses Firearm To Prevent or Resist Arrest
6867 Posses Firearm, Restricted weapon, Explosives, or Ammunition in commission of crime
6868 Carry Firearm, Restricted Weapon or explosives With Intent to commit crime
6869 Other Offence Re General firearm Use
6871 Obstructs Police during licence enquiries
6873 Fail To Report Injury under Firearms Injury Arms Act
6874 Fail To Comply with Notice of Unsafe Firearm or Pistol
6875 Carry Loaded Firearm In Vehicle
6879 Other Offences Involving Firearm Use


Code Description
7110 Offences Against Justice
7210 Births/Deaths & Marriages
7310 Immigration
7410 Racial
7420 Bloods pickup
7510 Against National Interest
7610 Bylaw Breaches


Like many services, the police use a great number of abbreviations.

Abbreviation Definition
EV Enter Vehicle
LV Locate stolen vehicle
NIA National Intelligence Application
QAFV Query Address Family Violence
QDH Query Drivers History
QEC Query Engine/Chassis number
QF Query File
QG Query Firearm Licence
QNFV Query Name Family Violence
QP Query Person
QR Query Vehicle register
QV Query Vehicle of interest (VOI)
QVA Query something to do with offence history
QVH Query History of licence holder
QVR Query VOI and Register (combination of QV and QR)
QI Query Property


Term Definition
47 Report for the Coroner
56 See EBA (refers to section 56 of Land Transport Act 1998)
58 See EBA (refers to section 58 of Transport Act 1962)
101 form for reporting minor offences (Pol101)
258 General purpose police report form (Pol258)
400 Family Violence Report (POL400)
AOS Armed Offenders Squad
ASAP As Soon As Possible
CAD Computer Assisted Dispatch system
CAU Child Abuse Unit
CIB Criminal Investigation Branch (detectives)
CIU Combined Investigative Unit (detectives and uniformed officers)
CIS Criminal Intelligence Section
CRB Criminal Registration Branch (Photos/Fingerprints)
CVST Commercial Vehicle Safety Team (previously CVIU - Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit)
DAO Duly Appointed Officer
DLICNO Drivers Licence Number
DPS Diplomatic Protection Squad
EAGLE Police Helicopter
EBA Excess Breath Alcohol (drunk driver)
Flags Additional info attached to a persons file, usually a warning.
GBH Grievous Bodily Harm
GDB General Duties Branch (Uniformed Officers)
Informant A person who has reported or witnessed an offence.
ION Infringement offence notice
Masters A file containing a persons criminal history.
MPR Miscellaneous property report
NIA National Intelligence Application (previously NIS - National Intelligence System)
Northcom Northern Communications Centre (Auckland)
NUA No Unit Available
OPT ?  ? ?Team
OR Offence Report
PNT Police Negotiation Team
POI Person of interest
PRN Person record number
Pseudo A drivers licence with no classes, generally a disqualified driver.
QID Officer ident number
SAP Safe Arrival Point
Sig Test? ???
SITREP Situation Report
SOCO Scene of Crimes Officer (Forensic)
SSG Specialist Search Group
STG Special Tactics Group
STU Strategic Traffic Unit
STATUS-D Disqualified
Switchy Computer terminal message
TAR Traffic accident report
TESSA Telecom telephone number database
TON Traffic offence notice
TP Team Policing
TSB Traffic Safety Branch
TY Police vehicle involved in crash (derived from the treasury (ty) form that has to be filled in afterwards)
VOI Vehicle of Interest
WTA Warrant To Arrest
WTI Wanted To Interview
YAS Youth Aid Section
YES Youth Education Section
File Number Number assigned to police file by the Wanganui Computer eg 971225/3456
Event number Number assigned to an incident dispatched from the communications centre by the CAD system